Door To Door Water
Yesterday as I was leaving to do an errand, a man pulled up, got out of his car and started to walk towards mine. I thought he might need directions, so I got out of mine (he was already on the driveway) to see what he needed.
He then said "Are people in this neighborhood complaining about the water?"
I didn't understand what he meant by that and I guess due my perplexed look--I must have had the expression of a person having mini-strokes--he repeated himself.
"Are people saying the water taste bad and when you take a bath you have rashes on your skin?"
I looked at my arms and then realized that this man was going to attempt to sell something--skin products, beauty products, something like that. Why the hell was he asking about the smell of the water and then saying the water was putting rashes on my skin?
I very politely told him that I was on my way out and I had errands to do. He asked if there was anyone else in the house that he could speak to. REDFLAG!!!! Of course my paranoid mind thought, he now wants to rob me blind while I'm away.
"My wife is asleep and I don't think she would appreciate being woken up to hear a sales pitch." Lie, big lie, but I had to make him think someone was in the house.
He then said, "My testing technique will only take thirty minutes I just want to test your water. Let's go inside and see."
He kept looking into the garage at the water heater. I then repeated that I had no time for this and could he just go on his way.
He then said, "But you were the lucky person I stummbled upon, none of your neighbors appear to be home."
I explained well yeah, but A)I don't have time B)I'm really not that interested C) It's a brand spanking new house, new neighborhood, our water filtration system is great, the water doesn't smell nor have I gotten any rashes and I was already losing my patience.
He then said, "Okay, is there a beter time for me to come back?"
I told him "NEVER!"
He then asked about Saturdays or the evenings, was there a number he could call to check for a better time. I told him he was never to trespass on my property again.
He said, "Okay, do any of your neighbors speak Spanish?"
I told him that I didn't ask any of them. And with that got in my car, asked him to leave my property and took off. I didn't really feel uneasy about him breaking in because of the alarm system.
In my rearview mirror I saw him throwing a pitch to an unsuspecting neighbor who came out to get her mail.
He then said "Are people in this neighborhood complaining about the water?"
I didn't understand what he meant by that and I guess due my perplexed look--I must have had the expression of a person having mini-strokes--he repeated himself.
"Are people saying the water taste bad and when you take a bath you have rashes on your skin?"
I looked at my arms and then realized that this man was going to attempt to sell something--skin products, beauty products, something like that. Why the hell was he asking about the smell of the water and then saying the water was putting rashes on my skin?
I very politely told him that I was on my way out and I had errands to do. He asked if there was anyone else in the house that he could speak to. REDFLAG!!!! Of course my paranoid mind thought, he now wants to rob me blind while I'm away.
"My wife is asleep and I don't think she would appreciate being woken up to hear a sales pitch." Lie, big lie, but I had to make him think someone was in the house.
He then said, "My testing technique will only take thirty minutes I just want to test your water. Let's go inside and see."
He kept looking into the garage at the water heater. I then repeated that I had no time for this and could he just go on his way.
He then said, "But you were the lucky person I stummbled upon, none of your neighbors appear to be home."
I explained well yeah, but A)I don't have time B)I'm really not that interested C) It's a brand spanking new house, new neighborhood, our water filtration system is great, the water doesn't smell nor have I gotten any rashes and I was already losing my patience.
He then said, "Okay, is there a beter time for me to come back?"
I told him "NEVER!"
He then asked about Saturdays or the evenings, was there a number he could call to check for a better time. I told him he was never to trespass on my property again.
He said, "Okay, do any of your neighbors speak Spanish?"
I told him that I didn't ask any of them. And with that got in my car, asked him to leave my property and took off. I didn't really feel uneasy about him breaking in because of the alarm system.
In my rearview mirror I saw him throwing a pitch to an unsuspecting neighbor who came out to get her mail.
Pushy salesman are the shits.
:P fuzzbox, at 12:28 PM
Sounds like he had something
up his sleeve besides a
water filtration system.
Michele, at 1:02 PM
Sounds like desperation. Desperate sales people really are so pathetic.
Jay Noel, at 5:09 PM
I kinda felt bad for him.
I'd hate to be that desperate for a job.
Tai, at 5:23 PM
man, he sounds pushy. dor to door salesman = worse than telemarketers.
Anhoni Patel, at 7:13 PM
Gosh, I am amazed how bold and pushy some people can be.
I can't stand it when they approach me.
Lee Ann, at 9:15 PM
Lame! I think I would have gone nuts on him! you are a saint!
mkecurler, at 12:13 AM
LOL! I hardly get them in my neighbourhood, thank goodness!
missy, at 3:26 AM
We get no end of pushy salesmen. They usually start by saying:
"Are you Mum and Dad at home?"
I'm 26
Christopher D. Bate, at 8:47 AM
well everytime someone comes to sell something they usually think I am younger than I actually am and ask for my parents and I gladly shove the responsibility on my husband :)
M (tread softly upon), at 9:33 AM
geez, was he looking to get punched in the face? i would hate that job.
Foxy, at 9:56 AM
That was a very aggressive salesman. Kinda creepy if you ask me.
epicurist, at 10:40 AM
Oh wow is that bizarre!
Chipper, at 2:15 PM
You still have door to door salesmen selling cleaning products. Wow. West Virginia really is like 30 years behind the rest of the country.
White Dade, at 4:57 PM
What the hell...back off annoying sales flunky...or robber...sheesh.
Chick, at 6:32 PM
Gotta be smart w/these door-to-door people. You used your imagination-good job!
Anonymous, at 11:43 PM
i'll say what a pain in the a$$. If he has asked once, maybe twice it would have been doing his job, but that is way pushy
Anonymous, at 12:50 AM
I guess he is only trying to earn a living ... but what a pain in the @#&%.
Talk about not being able to take no for an answer.
Hope you are having a great weekend.
Take care, Meow
Meow (aka Connie), at 12:56 AM
I wonder if any of the neighbors called the police on him. He sounds pretty persistent.
Lucy Stern, at 9:53 AM
he came to your HOUSE?? usually I just get annoying calls....all hours of the day...i swear, those people are on rotation. They dont ever sleep, and never get time off. One time, a telemarketer called me at like 8pm on a saturday, and when he blah blah blahed his speech, I said "Dont you guys ever go home???" and then I hung up.
Princess Pessimism, at 10:56 AM
We have had recent phone calls from a water testing company as well; and far away are we from you!?...what a conincidence. Pushy and annoying, yes, but the fact is that we probably do have bad water!
Cathy, at 8:44 PM
I HATE pushy ass people like that. I want to jab them in the eye with a pencil.
Lindsey, at 8:12 PM
Hi Angel ... just wanted to let you know I got your postcards today. Thank you so much ... 2 of them, wow !! Florida looks like an interesting place
Take care, Meow
Meow (aka Connie), at 11:07 PM
My dad let in these Eastern European rug dealers and they brought their thirty rugs and laid them out and would not leave, that was freaky! They were so creepy, asking us how much money we kept in the house, what are our credit card limits…. And offering these strange deals on Persian rugs… that never made sense logically…
Madox23, at 12:45 AM
Pretty persistent huh? We don't get any of that round here, thank god!
Leila, at 1:30 AM
He was really pushy :-)
But then people are always biased against door to door salesmen. It drives them to desperation.
Wriju, at 2:08 AM
hahhahahaaaaaa hilarious pitch - I can't see 'do you have a rash?' inspiring anyone particularly!!!??
ziggystardust73, at 4:07 AM
that's so annoying!
here in greece, salespeople as well as banks, companies, etc, are in the habit of calling you on the phone, especially early in the morning or during siesta time and want to talk to the "mistress of the house".
x, at 9:18 AM
i hate pushy people too, you were quite nice to him! don't know if i could have held it in! LOL!
i had someone come to the door to sell coupons for a local restaurant, when i answered the door my kids started to scream, cry, whine (all that fun stuff) he actually said to me, i was going to sell you some coupons for The Restaurant, but i see you probably don't get out much for dinner do you? i said no, not lately anyway. he then said, thanks for opening the door and he wouldn't waste my time, have a nice day.
mollymcmo, at 9:28 AM
That is very ANNOYING!
It's a good thing you stood ur ground bc he may have invited himself over to your house for dinner one of these upcoming nights.
Tell him that the HOA does NOT allow solicitation...hahahah...
And that he will be banned from ur neighborhood.
Cari, at 9:07 AM
I don't know if I feel more sorry for you or the salesman...
Karen Little, at 5:18 PM
Dang, that is one persistent sales perston. Nag someone into buying thier stuff so they will go away
Drywall Mom, at 6:26 PM
shady man. i'm glad you got away. he sounds creepy and pushy. blech.
j, at 12:41 AM
Salesmen like that are so obnoxious! I know they're just trying to earn a living, but geez!!
Jinsane, at 11:32 AM
bloody annoying salespeople!
kimber, at 8:21 PM
Angel Jr,where did you go?
Does that pushy salesman
have something to do with it?
Michele, at 1:19 PM
And I thought telemarketers were bad! It seems they've come out from behind the phones.
Wes, at 11:44 AM
Hello, hello...*echo*
PLease don't tell me you found your copy of 'Small One' and you're blubbing in a corner somewhere...
Leila, at 10:43 AM
Do you think that sleeping wife will mind if I wake her to sell her some Avon lipstick?
Why in the world can't door to door sales people sell cool stuff? The other day, I was watching tv, and thought, gee, wish I had some chips and salsa...
would've been nice to get a ring on the doorbell that moment...
LBseahag, at 11:03 PM
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