Spam--Not Just for Email Anymore
My father recently asked me to go with him to Sam's Warehouse. He was going to buy some stuff to put into a box that he was shipping to the Philippines.
He is going over there in February on a medical mission--free clinics for the needy.
The box he is shipping this week, will arrive approximately the same time he will. I guess it's going by boat or someone is carrying it over there. Why is it taking three months?
So we go to Sam's, this warehouse of food in bulk. Everything is bigger over there--the party bags of Doritoes, the toothpaste tubes. I felt like Jack after climbing the beanstalk. Dad immediately heads for the canned goods section. He tells me that he wants to get some food for some of his brothers who are still over there. His first pick? SPAM!
I remember that while I went to medical school there, the local classmates loved Spam. I couldn't understand their fascination with processed ham in a can. I know that growing up, my mother would prepare it for breakfast on occasion--thank God she discovered bacon. It was good, when fried to a crisp, leaving none of the original recognizable meat. Anyway, Dad was piling this stuff into the cart--along with Vienna Sausage and corned beef.
My only thoughts were, "Do you like the people that you are giving this to?". I would never give a gift of spam. Anyway, from what I could count, there were approximately 80 cans of spam and equal amounts of Vienna Sausage and corned beef. After the mutilated meat in a can, he then filled the cart with normal stuff like Skittles, Crunch bars, coffee and Starburst.
I helped him pack this crap into a box and then waited for the shipping guy to come and pick up the box. When he came and asked for the contents, he replied--"Your relatives are going to love this box". WTF?
He is going over there in February on a medical mission--free clinics for the needy.
The box he is shipping this week, will arrive approximately the same time he will. I guess it's going by boat or someone is carrying it over there. Why is it taking three months?
So we go to Sam's, this warehouse of food in bulk. Everything is bigger over there--the party bags of Doritoes, the toothpaste tubes. I felt like Jack after climbing the beanstalk. Dad immediately heads for the canned goods section. He tells me that he wants to get some food for some of his brothers who are still over there. His first pick? SPAM!
I remember that while I went to medical school there, the local classmates loved Spam. I couldn't understand their fascination with processed ham in a can. I know that growing up, my mother would prepare it for breakfast on occasion--thank God she discovered bacon. It was good, when fried to a crisp, leaving none of the original recognizable meat. Anyway, Dad was piling this stuff into the cart--along with Vienna Sausage and corned beef.
My only thoughts were, "Do you like the people that you are giving this to?". I would never give a gift of spam. Anyway, from what I could count, there were approximately 80 cans of spam and equal amounts of Vienna Sausage and corned beef. After the mutilated meat in a can, he then filled the cart with normal stuff like Skittles, Crunch bars, coffee and Starburst.
I helped him pack this crap into a box and then waited for the shipping guy to come and pick up the box. When he came and asked for the contents, he replied--"Your relatives are going to love this box". WTF?
Hey I liked it too when I was young...But the fascination has since...Worn out!
twolf1920, at 11:19 AM
A definite moron.
Lindsey, at 3:45 PM
Thanks for your support on my Blog too Angel-You are the BEST!
twolf1920, at 8:02 PM
I don't know--I suppose it's an acquired taste. I'm sure they'll appreciate the goods!
Anonymous, at 8:41 PM
SPAM, in the original... long before e-mail, before computers, even before circuitry, there was SPAM. I believe the first can ff the production line still exists, as do the contents, undecayed, undecaying... it's like food for the undead!
Whenever I hear SPAM I think of a Monty Python sketch, where someone is in a bed'n'brekker trying to order a breakfast without SPAM. I do believe that skit holds the record for the most times SPAM could be said in any conversation. It remains one of the funniest scenes I know.
blackcrag, at 4:05 AM Dad loves SPAM too...he fries it with his eggs...ugh...
Chick, at 9:07 AM
my dad loved that stuff- and used to make us eat it when were little. the day i read the ingredients is the day i quit eating that stuff! lol. but hey i'm sure they will appreciate anything free thatcomes their way.
Foxy, at 10:08 AM
Dude, thanks, now I'm going to have the Monty Python song stuck in my head all day.
"Lovely Spaaam, wonderful Spaaam..."
Anonymous, at 10:49 AM
Vince! Now that spam song is in MY head too!
I guess some people like spam, it's been around a long time. Did the people/organization your dad is sending foodstuffs to recommend particular things? You never know: "Ooooh ooh, make sure they send spam!" It could happen. :)
Spider Girl, at 11:23 AM
no wonder it's going to take 3 months to get it there. it's got to be shipped on a boat because surely that many cans of spam would necessitate a crate...who is carrying that?
I think i'm one of the only people in the world apparently who has never tried spam. but i have eaten it's round cousin the hotdog many times
cher, at 2:42 PM
My first roommate was Hawaiian, and a BIG fan of Spam... something about not farming animals on the tiny little island, therefore settling for nastiness in a can.
good story.
Not this time, at 2:50 PM
as a veggie i've never had spam! i've had lots of the other kind of spam though. Both are bad.
x, at 4:09 PM
Oh yuke!
Skye, at 5:05 PM
Let's start a Ban Spam campaign; why must we transport it to developing countries and others in need; so we ourselves don't need to touch the stuff?
Cathy, at 8:29 PM
Mr. Shife, at 10:42 PM
I am proud to say that not once in my life have i ever eaten spam.
j merlino, at 12:39 AM
I am a proud non-spam eater, too LOL! I'm also a vegetarian :)
missy, at 3:14 AM
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