Again With The Ipod
Again I've forgotten my iPod, which could have been extremely useful.
I really needed it on the plane ride. I didn't bring it because I bought the novel "Odd Thomas" by Dean Koontz, and I thought this would carry me for the plane ride to Las Vegas. My mistake. Always bring a plan B.
Believe me, I tried to read in silence/peace. I tried to ignore the business buddies sitting beside me. Before take-off, the two were talking excitedly about their trip. The woman had never been to Vegas (me and the four rows in front of us and behind us became well aware of this fact). She wanted to sit by the pool when they first landed. He wanted to go gambling. She would sit by the pool if there were other members of their convention that were willing. He wanted to go gambling and get the free drinks that came with it.
The informed the stewardess that they would not be eating an on-flight meal. They had brought their own--hamburgers (with onions) from his favorite restaurant. The stewardess thanked them for informing her (she said it with an odd grin). She then informed them that on-flight meals were only available at the passengers request and for a five dollar fee. They looked at each other and remarked that they were glad they brought their own food.
The two were so loud that the co-pilot, who had passed us five minutes prior and was making his way back to the cockpit said "Shhh you two". He tried to make it sound like he was joking around. Those of us in the four rows surrounding them (remember I was beside them) knew he wasn't joking.
They talked incessantly about who they hated in the office. Was so-and-so from the last convention going to be there again. They had heard that so-and-so from Houston was going to be there, did they still look as good. He had investments here and there. He was going to buy some speculation property somewhere in Nevada. He already had some in Mississippi. This much information before take-off. I didn't bring my Tylenol PM because I thought I was going to read "Odd Thomas".
When the plane had gotten to the place in the sky where the seat-belt light went off, the stewardess began to offer earphones out. When she asked me if I wanted to purchase a pair, I remarked "God yes!! Please give them to me NOW!!!". She smiled a knowing smile and handed them to me. I forgot whether or not she took my money.
I put the earphones on and placed it on the country station. Ahhh, a familiar singer's voice was belting out his new song.
Peace at last? Nope, the volume of these two could still be faintly heard above the music in my ears. She has a business contact that he could get in touch with--a potential partner for something he was looking into. At least the sheer volume of their voices were drowned out.
This continued until we landed. And we all smelled the extra-onions on their buffalo burgers as well as the coagulated cheese on their cheesy fries.
I really needed it on the plane ride. I didn't bring it because I bought the novel "Odd Thomas" by Dean Koontz, and I thought this would carry me for the plane ride to Las Vegas. My mistake. Always bring a plan B.
Believe me, I tried to read in silence/peace. I tried to ignore the business buddies sitting beside me. Before take-off, the two were talking excitedly about their trip. The woman had never been to Vegas (me and the four rows in front of us and behind us became well aware of this fact). She wanted to sit by the pool when they first landed. He wanted to go gambling. She would sit by the pool if there were other members of their convention that were willing. He wanted to go gambling and get the free drinks that came with it.
The informed the stewardess that they would not be eating an on-flight meal. They had brought their own--hamburgers (with onions) from his favorite restaurant. The stewardess thanked them for informing her (she said it with an odd grin). She then informed them that on-flight meals were only available at the passengers request and for a five dollar fee. They looked at each other and remarked that they were glad they brought their own food.
The two were so loud that the co-pilot, who had passed us five minutes prior and was making his way back to the cockpit said "Shhh you two". He tried to make it sound like he was joking around. Those of us in the four rows surrounding them (remember I was beside them) knew he wasn't joking.
They talked incessantly about who they hated in the office. Was so-and-so from the last convention going to be there again. They had heard that so-and-so from Houston was going to be there, did they still look as good. He had investments here and there. He was going to buy some speculation property somewhere in Nevada. He already had some in Mississippi. This much information before take-off. I didn't bring my Tylenol PM because I thought I was going to read "Odd Thomas".
When the plane had gotten to the place in the sky where the seat-belt light went off, the stewardess began to offer earphones out. When she asked me if I wanted to purchase a pair, I remarked "God yes!! Please give them to me NOW!!!". She smiled a knowing smile and handed them to me. I forgot whether or not she took my money.
I put the earphones on and placed it on the country station. Ahhh, a familiar singer's voice was belting out his new song.
Peace at last? Nope, the volume of these two could still be faintly heard above the music in my ears. She has a business contact that he could get in touch with--a potential partner for something he was looking into. At least the sheer volume of their voices were drowned out.
This continued until we landed. And we all smelled the extra-onions on their buffalo burgers as well as the coagulated cheese on their cheesy fries.
Sometimes on planes I would like to have the skills with peanuts that Bullseye had in the DareDevil movie.
:P fuzzbox, at 10:14 AM
have you finished Odd Thomas yet? I thought it was great!
Chipper, at 10:57 AM
I've logged a ton of miles already this year, and I would have to say that listening to those two morons is still probably better than being stuck sitting next to the largest man I've ever seen...on a VERY hot day.
Actually, that was my flight into your hometown! Gimongous guy to my left, and propeller to my right.
Jay Noel, at 4:41 PM
Ugh. If that happened in a flight in the UK, they will certainly get many dagger looks from people around them. My encounter with loud people are only trains when I go to work early in the morning. Now, they have "quiet zones" on train which means no mobiles or leaking sound from any mp3 players.
Enjoying your holiday?
missy, at 1:24 AM
urgh. how disgusting - I hate people who think the sound of their voices should rise above all else...
ziggystardust73, at 4:47 AM
I would have started doing something really obnoxious so that they would have asked for a seat change (like coughing with my mouth wide open, making farting sounds, I don't know.. SOMETHING!). and if there were no other seats, I would have politely reminded them that we were all on the same small plane and could they please lower their voices as not everybody was interested in their business.
I can't stand people who like to pretend they are the only ones on the plane.
SK, at 11:24 AM
I would have started doing something really obnoxious so that they would have asked for a seat change (like coughing with my mouth wide open, making farting sounds, I don't know.. SOMETHING!). and if there were no other seats, I would have politely reminded them that we were all on the same small plane and could they please lower their voices as not everybody was interested in their business.
I can't stand people who like to pretend they are the only ones on the plane.
SK, at 11:24 AM
That totally sucks. Always bring something to drown out the annoying people. But then again, you could have always looked at the airmall magazine that is always there. :)
Drywall Mom, at 12:35 PM
At least you didn't have kids kicking the back of your seat. And more leaning over the seat in front of you, drooling on your legs and on your book.
Yes, these things happen.
-- david
David Amulet, at 1:07 PM
Some people are so inconsiderate,
and they love the sound of
their own voices.
Michele, at 2:16 PM
Flights TO Vegas are the absolute worst becasue everybody has a goddmn story and the peoepl who don't have stories ABOUT not having stories. When I lived in OC I made the flight quite often. For me the funnest part was spotting the strippers in the boarding area going up to work for the weekend.
White Dade, at 4:49 PM
Sounds like an absolute nightmare - how easily a couple of Tooly McFoolys can ruin your day.
Will, at 5:16 PM
Wow, I know someone that went on a business trip to Vegas this week. It was her first time to go to Vegas. Did you happen to hear who they worked with? Did she have long blonde hair and blue eyes????
Lee Ann, at 9:53 PM
See that's one of the things I hate about travelling. Other people and their rudeness. I would have wanted to stuff their cheesy fries in their big fat mouths.
Lindsey, at 8:01 AM
Ever since the Bike accident i had, I have found that I have been rather rude to people who are PISSING ME OFF on the trail, and telling them off.
Then again, mybe I am just a rude obnoxious bastard too?
It sucks getting old!
twolf1920, at 10:54 AM
didn't you wish you were just deaf for the remainder of the flight? deaf with no sense of smell.
it would have been cool if they were having some kinky sex talk, or even talking about a shady deal, but boring and loud? bugger, waste of space on that flight.
mollymcmo, at 12:32 AM
What terrible travelling companions !!!
Just wanted to let you know that your postcards arrived today. Thank you so much, they are wonderful. Did you really stay at Caesars Palace ??? Wow, I am impressed !!
Hope the remainder of the holiday is going well.
Thanks again, take care, Meow
Meow (aka Connie), at 7:34 AM
What is a trip w/out music....
it's like having a car and having no gas $$
U didn't get hitched or anything right?
Cari, at 9:30 AM
Fairly reminiscient of Bill Cosby's plane ride with "Jeffrey" "I'm Four years old".
My wife swears that when I read a book I tend to forget about the rest of the world. I like to sing so much that I don't tend to bring music to listen to on the plane as I find myself at the very least humming. DVD's however are a must with my laptop.
Jacob Spradlin, at 2:11 PM
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