Friendship Age Like Wine
I was thinking about a party that my parents had awhile ago. Every now and then my parents throw a party (for whatever occasion). The last ones to go are usually relatives and medical school pals.
As the party begins to wind down, my father usually starts tinkling with the piano keys until music begins to float out into air. I have posted before how my father is very talented on the keyboard and can often play any song by request. At this point their friends gather round him and begin to sing along. Their voices which use to embarass me as a teenager now calms me or makes me smile. This singing can continue for several hours past twilight. The music starts out robust (with glasses of scotch or wine clinking to the start of favorite songs) and then mellows as the moon shifts it's position over the singers.
I like the fact that they have several sets of friends who have been around for years. There are several families which we've spent every holiday since the 70's with. These are the people who stay around till the sunrises, chatting happily around the dining table or around the baby grand. They are the same families that have been there for our births and also the births of grandchildren. They are the first to applaud at graduations and weddings and the last guest to leave a celebration.
I've made my own friends outside this inner circle. But I thank God every day for this inner structure which helped me to base the criteria for which I've set my own standards for friendship.
As the party begins to wind down, my father usually starts tinkling with the piano keys until music begins to float out into air. I have posted before how my father is very talented on the keyboard and can often play any song by request. At this point their friends gather round him and begin to sing along. Their voices which use to embarass me as a teenager now calms me or makes me smile. This singing can continue for several hours past twilight. The music starts out robust (with glasses of scotch or wine clinking to the start of favorite songs) and then mellows as the moon shifts it's position over the singers.
I like the fact that they have several sets of friends who have been around for years. There are several families which we've spent every holiday since the 70's with. These are the people who stay around till the sunrises, chatting happily around the dining table or around the baby grand. They are the same families that have been there for our births and also the births of grandchildren. They are the first to applaud at graduations and weddings and the last guest to leave a celebration.
I've made my own friends outside this inner circle. But I thank God every day for this inner structure which helped me to base the criteria for which I've set my own standards for friendship.
Sounds like really good times Angel!
Lee Ann, at 2:22 PM
YOu family sounds pretty cool.
Scott, at 2:41 PM
hey junior !!!
that really is a blessing... my family friends all stayed back in korea.. but i still remember the drunken fests we would have every now and then... the running around with the other kids, the parents signing, drinking, all sleeping in the same room at the end of the party (like 8am)... those were the days... i sometimes wonder whatever happened to all of them, we didn't keep in touch... boooo... i'll make my own party someday...
madame P, at 3:56 PM
Those friends are truly family...I have a few unrelated aunts & uncles...not to mention cousins of my own...& they feel like blood to me too.
Chick, at 11:36 PM
you are very lucky to have that in your family. my parents were almost anti-social people and i never knew how to approach others.
but you clearly had a good example to live by.
x, at 3:07 AM
My family is quite similar and I hope that one day I'll have an open house. When people feel they can pop by anytime.
Gretta James, at 8:09 AM
I know what you mean. My parents' friends love "us kids" like their own. My husband was floored when he was introduced to the family/community. All the Titos and Titas wanted to feed him, kiss him, give him advice... he loved it.
JJ, at 1:49 PM
That sounds like some pleasant memories you got going on. You are blessed to be so fortunate.
Anonymous, at 2:45 PM
Thats cool. I hope that you are able to remain close with these friends. Life has a tendency to move you from your close friends.
:P fuzzbox, at 8:49 PM
Great entry!! I'd like to crash one of your get-togethers:-)
Anonymous, at 11:46 PM
Awww... bless.
My family "parties" are mostly extended families and a few neighbours who I grew up with. Last time I went home, it's the same people just older.
missy x
missy, at 1:06 AM
sounds fun, i love singing, i'm very bad though. never stopped me though, i'm a shower and driver singer all the way.
your family sounds so close knit, how lucky you are :)
mollymcmo, at 1:22 AM
Sounds like you have a really great family and those kinds of friends are what I hope my friends and I will become. Such a blessing!
p.s.-You have a really nice blog! Do you mind if I link it?
Katie, at 11:20 AM
There are one or two families that we grew up with. One was my Mom's best friend. My Mom died when I was very little, so it's nice to have someone around who can tell me all about her teenage/schoolgirl escapades.
Anonymous, at 2:21 PM
I don't think that I could still feel that comfortable around my parents like that, but then again, I'm probably not as close to my parents as you are to your parents.
Drywall Mom, at 6:15 PM
your dad is totally Alan Alda, isn't he...thats rad....
LBseahag, at 10:27 PM
Its fun to have sing alongs. I think I want my son to play the guitar (chicks will dig him).
Big Ben, at 11:02 PM
That sounds great--I never had that gather-round-the -piano-and-sing moment, so my thoughts of it are from The Exorcist, when Linda Blair comes down the stairs and pisses all over the floor.
Not quit the peaceful, calming moment you describe. So I'm supplanting my image with yours to make my life less scary.
-- david
David Amulet, at 11:53 AM
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