Happy Halloween!
I should never buy my Halloween candy early. But there was a sale and so I did. On one night last week I was craving something sweet, so I opened the bag and told myself I would only have a few pieces. That night I only had one piece. But it was the subsequent nights that counted. I would have a piece of candy here and there. And now, the day before trick-or-treating, I find myself writing candy on my grocery list.
What happened to that bag of Reese cups? Maybe I should have bought something I don't like eating like lollipops or gum. My reasoning for buying the chocolate was "if I don't like the candy, chances are the kids going door to door won't either". I remember thinking when I was younger--ewww I don't like caramel or butterscotch candy. So I bought the good stuff, only to have eaten through the bag. So I'm off to get some more...hopefully the bag will remain in tact tonight.
Happy Halloween everyone!
What happened to that bag of Reese cups? Maybe I should have bought something I don't like eating like lollipops or gum. My reasoning for buying the chocolate was "if I don't like the candy, chances are the kids going door to door won't either". I remember thinking when I was younger--ewww I don't like caramel or butterscotch candy. So I bought the good stuff, only to have eaten through the bag. So I'm off to get some more...hopefully the bag will remain in tact tonight.
Happy Halloween everyone!
Never buy Halloween candy early! A few weeks ago, I bought one bag. The test proved that I'm a sweetaholic. None left. I need help.
The Egg, at 12:09 PM
The only reason candy corn is still available is because people buy it knowing they won't eat it themselves.
Anonymous, at 2:25 PM
I loves me some candy. I don't even feel guilty when I eat it. And now that my kids go trick or treating, I don't feel guilty eating the candy that they harvest from others.
Heck, whatigotsofar, I even discovered the other day that candy corn can be pretty good! Who knew?
Duck, at 2:39 PM
I love candy corn.
And I live in the boonies so no trick or treaters, but I do heist my kids candy when they aren't looking.
Travis Erwin, at 3:35 PM
It didn't even occur to me to get candy for the kids in my building, I'm such a grinch! I'll try to remember tomorrow.
The Maiden Metallurgist, at 6:59 PM
Ha ... this sounds way too familiar.
Airam, at 10:11 PM
Lol. That's funny how your best laid plans tempted you into eating all the candy. I bought a tub of twizzlers and I've been a very good about not eating them. Yet.
Grant, at 10:38 PM
I'm glad I don't get trick-or-treaters!
Anonymous, at 9:33 AM
I never buy it either.. I mean, I don't need that junk layin' around my house!
Aaron, at 9:35 AM
I think you said it, buy the candy you don't like.
Rocketstar, at 1:22 PM
You need to buy your candy the day after Halloween. Hope you had a good Halloween and the kids enjoyed the candy that you gave them.
Mr. Shife, at 11:31 AM
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