Shaken Not Stirred

Tuesday, May 18, 2004

Strip Search

The other night, my best friend Saritha and talked on the phone, and as usual lost track of time. This always seems to happen whenever we talk. And we don't talk about anything relevant really. If our phones were being tapped, the person listening would end up saying that we were idiotic, trivial and to quote Winnie the Pooh:"willy, nilly, silly old bears". But we cut our conversation short because I'm trying to re-do my circadian rhythm so that I'm up by 7, but still get 8 hours a night of sleep.
After I got off the phone, I couldn't sleep. Something about talking to her gets me all riled up. I should have called her back, but that would have kept us chatting till 3 a.m. So I picked up the remote and flipped thru the channels. I ended up on this movie called "Strip Search". Thinking that it was probably a movie with Elizabeth Berkley (a.k.a Jessie Spano from Saved By The Bell), I stopped flipping and watched.
It was movie made after 9/11. The movie showed two settings--one in China, the other in New York. Both scenes were happening at the same time and in both versions the same thing was happening. An American girl was being detained in China and questioned, while a Middle-Eastern man was questioned in New York. The same questions for both, same treatment. The whole point of the movie was to hit home that the very act of terrorism had heightened our alert to such a degree that basic human rights were forgotten, that a form of freedom was given up in order to regain freedom. The people had been detained based on an inkling that they were involved in some activity. One of the questions asked of the American girl played by Maggie Gyllenhaal was "Have you ever been disloyal to the government, spoken badly about it?". She replied, "It's not being disloyal, it's dissent". This angered whoever was questioning her and implicated her for further questioning. Both subjects were continually questioned for their "dissent".
In the beginning of the movie, a classroom was asked, "To end terrorism, how long would you give up your freedom". I think because of terrorism and it's selfish acts, we have already given up some of that freedom. Hopefully the American soldiers will get it back for us.


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