Shaken Not Stirred

Saturday, June 12, 2004

Personal Testimonies

Recently one of my cousins became a salesperson/spokesperson for one these make-up companies. She is one of the most hilarious persons I know. She is aggressive without shoving it in your face. We met up at my cousin's house blessing.

Anyway, she is selling make-up and will one day hope to drive one of those pink cadillacs (I really can't see her driving it. I would hope not anyway). She was explaining the make-up to us (I use some of the men's skin managment products--I started using it years before she became involved). Anyway, I kep laughing or rather she and I kept laughing because we made fun of the people that really get into the sales pitch. You know the ones that would say things like, "Not only am I salesperson, but I'm my own biggest client. All the money I make, goes right back into the company. I swear, the whole reason I work is so I could afford to buy the products. Hehe!". Now those salespeople make me puke.

I see these people and they are like, "I've noticed such a change in my skin. I use to have really ugly acne and just three different dimensions--oily, dry and patchy. Now my skin is clear and there aren't any changes in terrain. See, feel, run your fingers over my skin. How did that feel? My spouse completely loves the new me. They just love kissing my smooth cheek/clean shaven/soft/creamy/silky/unblemished face. It's envigorating. One time I was out with my daughter and people actually thought we were sisters (we'll I didn't tell them that I had her when we lived in the trailer park and I was 12). But still to get such a compliment after having 7 children. It's nice. So if you'll just sign here for the full supply of products and we can charge you only 7 simple payments of $19.99 plus shipping and handling, state tax if you are a resident of Oregon, then you too can have the same simple life that I have.

Until another thought comes my way....


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