The Love of a 7th Grader
My sister-in-law gave birth to a baby boy on December 19th. Since my brother was convinced that he was going to have another girl, he had no boy's names picked out. So when baby popped out with a penis, he was taken aback.
For four days, baby boy had no name. I think they just called him "hey you". One of my brother's buddies (an OB who was on duty when baby boy was born) suggested Quincy because he was the fifth grandchild (and also because my father is a pathologist--the physician form of what Quincy M.E. did on television). So on the 23rd of December, my brother and his wife decided the baby should be named Quincy.
Since this name came late in the game, many of his presents were labeled "Baby boy". And then slowly but surely, everyone started to call this child Quincy.
On December 31st, my sister-in-law decided that the baby should be named Angelo (after my father and grandfather). So now Quincy is Angelo. But to me, I'm just going to call him Baby Boy. Just in case they decide on a new name.
Anyway, the night that my sister-in-law was admitted to the hospital my brother called me and said he had a "very, important, monumental" task for me to do. Yes he used the word monumental! I thought, get the nursery ready, or sweep up some dust (their home was getting remodeled), buy some diapers, milk something like that. The task? Make a mixed CD that his wife could listen to in the birthing room. I was like--"Your wife is giving birth to your child, strethcing out her body, pushing something the size of the bowling ball thru an orifice the size of a nonstril and you are making her a mixed CD". My thoughts? This man's idea of romance is still in the halls of junior high.
I hope they enjoyed the CD--it had music like Stevie Wonder's "For Once in My Life", Boyz to Me "A Song for Mama" and Billy Joel's "Your My Home" among others. iTunes got a good 15 dollars worth of downloads.
What gift do you think a birthing woman should receive?
For four days, baby boy had no name. I think they just called him "hey you". One of my brother's buddies (an OB who was on duty when baby boy was born) suggested Quincy because he was the fifth grandchild (and also because my father is a pathologist--the physician form of what Quincy M.E. did on television). So on the 23rd of December, my brother and his wife decided the baby should be named Quincy.
Since this name came late in the game, many of his presents were labeled "Baby boy". And then slowly but surely, everyone started to call this child Quincy.
On December 31st, my sister-in-law decided that the baby should be named Angelo (after my father and grandfather). So now Quincy is Angelo. But to me, I'm just going to call him Baby Boy. Just in case they decide on a new name.
Anyway, the night that my sister-in-law was admitted to the hospital my brother called me and said he had a "very, important, monumental" task for me to do. Yes he used the word monumental! I thought, get the nursery ready, or sweep up some dust (their home was getting remodeled), buy some diapers, milk something like that. The task? Make a mixed CD that his wife could listen to in the birthing room. I was like--"Your wife is giving birth to your child, strethcing out her body, pushing something the size of the bowling ball thru an orifice the size of a nonstril and you are making her a mixed CD". My thoughts? This man's idea of romance is still in the halls of junior high.
I hope they enjoyed the CD--it had music like Stevie Wonder's "For Once in My Life", Boyz to Me "A Song for Mama" and Billy Joel's "Your My Home" among others. iTunes got a good 15 dollars worth of downloads.
What gift do you think a birthing woman should receive?
Baby Boy is perfect. That's priceless that they changed his name. I can see that happening.
The nicest thing a guy can do for a girl is make her a mix CD, ask Thora!
Luke, at 2:34 PM
What gift do you think a birthing woman should receive? Whatever they want.
And you are super cool dude for doing that for your bro.
Mr. Shife, at 6:05 PM
A CD is actually not a bad idea, but the music you think will be a good soundtrack for giving birth is usually wrong and/or the songs are associated with pain, discomfort, and hospital beds.
I know this only because I was a birth coach and Spanish Guitar music is no longer, alas, much-loved by my friend who is a new mother.
By the way, I like the name Quincy.
Spider Girl, at 6:49 PM
I like the name Quincy. Also, I catch it on every now and then and it always sucks me in. Did they keep it for a middle name?
The CD is definitely proof men don’t get it. Good thing they aren’t the ones popping out babies. I thought he was going to ask you to help deliver. haha
How about an iPod to relive the pain and joy with.
Josh, at 7:56 PM
A birthing woman should receive strong painkillers and nothing else. Music?? OMG; take it from me, I've done it twice, music would have done nothing for me. Did it for her? It was a nice gesture, BUT...
And I liked the name Quincy; how cute; you should call him that anyway.
Cathy, at 8:32 PM
Why didn't he just make the mix himself?
I like the name Quincy. Make him sound Australian.
Anhoni Patel, at 8:40 PM
You are a good brother and I'm sure you will be a GREAT uncle!
Greg - Cowboy in the Jungle, at 10:18 PM
You need give her
1. a gift certificate to a spa! I give this one alot.
2. Classical music CD's. She and the baby will love the tunage!
Congrats to you. i've added you to my blog list by the way ;) check it out!
mkecurler, at 10:39 PM
I LOVE the name Quincy. In fact, I wanted to name our son Quinn until I realized the fact that anything like "quint" implies five. That kinda made it seem impertinent.
My advice for a birthing woman's gift: FOOD. I couldn't eat for over 16 hours while I was in labor, and when I called my grandmother 10 hours into it begging for a pumpkin pie, you better believe that was the most priceless thing I could have received at that time. It was fabulous.
Of course, the hospital provided a lukwarm, really crappy (those words do no justice, it was plain frigid and shitty) Swanson TV Dinner with plum pudding. WTF?
Give the woman some FOOD!
Aud*2020, at 11:49 PM
Congrats! I think she deserves a nice retreat after all that work!
Anonymous, at 11:56 PM
I liked 'Hey You'.
But even more, I *LOVED* the fact that you made a mixed cd for the birth. That is bloody fantastic.
ziggystardust73, at 5:55 AM
Yup, food... definitely food...
JJ, at 7:02 AM
I had an uncle who didn't receive a name until he was a year old everyone in the family still calls him Sonny. Loved the mix tape thing at least he wasn't doing cheers or anything. 'Push it out. Push it out. Way out!!!' That would have been a little much.
:P fuzzbox, at 7:47 AM
For me the music thing wasn't a successful strategy. I vaguely remember screaming for silence--right after screaming for drugs.
I think the best gift to give a birthing mother is a nice soft pair of fuzzy slippers to wear around the hospital and a pretty bath robe that she can wear while receiving guests.
Sweet Tea, at 8:38 AM
Congrats on being an uncle again. Good call on the Stevie, he's probably the safest bet you can make.
Anonymous, at 9:15 AM
I doubt she paid attention to that CD.
What should a birthing mother receive? Endless thank yous and several thousand apologies.
December 19th...that's a great day to be born.
Jay Noel, at 10:47 AM
How about Bleed for Me by Dead Kennedys? ;-)
Congrats on the nephew! x
missy, at 11:19 AM
i like the name quincy... hi quincy!
markus, at 11:45 AM
angel, thanks for the comments on my blog. if you like my imagery then you might like octavio paz - i'm going to post some of his poem on my blog.
you seem to get a lot of comments and belong to a large blogosphere.
as for masculine names, i like alexander because it's poetic, most male names are only one syllable and not poetic, bob, frank, mike, john etc
Kyle Foley, at 3:49 PM
gifts? let's see....a day all to herself, weather its just for sleeping, bubble bath, getting her hiar, nails done....i'll be wanting to do all of these in less than a month! and yes....gotta have the painkillers. :) congrats!
Foxy, at 5:19 PM
The gift should be love and support from her partner!
Lee Ann, at 7:19 PM
Great choices on songs...congrats on your new niece...they need to stick with a name...thry just do...& diamonds will do nicely as a gift.
Chick, at 9:35 PM
That was a good gift. I often give them things the mom can use a nice nightgown or robe b/c you know they're soooo uncomfortable.
Lindsey, at 10:15 PM
congratulations on the new baby boy.
I agree, Quincy is not a nice name for a little baby. Angelo is better but baby boy is best.
I birthing woman should receive personal gifts. Like cosmetics or jewellery, things that remind her that she is a woman, not just a mum.
x, at 6:25 AM
Congrats to you and your family !!
Baby boy is the way to go :-) - its gonna change again you are right !!!!
Anonymous, at 4:04 PM
Congrats !!
Baby boy :-D nice name actually !!
Hmm i think love and affection would be the best gifts - A CD with iTunes music, hmm not really i would guess
Anonymous, at 4:05 PM
I had to come back because I just thought of a song out of nowhere that, as a birthing woman, I would love to have on CD..."Push It" by Salt n Pepa.
" push it REAL GOOD!"
I've had a weeee bit to drink tonight.
Aud*2020, at 2:29 AM
i'm going to go with sleep. yup that would be the best gift ever,.
cher, at 2:24 PM
Great choices for CD, although they probably relaxed dad more than mum :-)
An ideal gift would be to offer an IOU for unlimited (if you dare !) babysitting, to give the couple time out alone, when they need a break.
Take care.
Meow (aka Connie), at 4:33 AM
I have no idea, but I wouldn't have thought of a mixed cd! :)
Anonymous, at 10:02 AM
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