Another Tagging
I got tagged once again, so in order to avoid the bad luck or whatever misfortune awaits those who break the chain, I' m answering the questions.....
I got this from Ang. Suprisingly we had quite a bit in common (besides the first three letters of our names).
2005, Year in Review
Two Parts of Your Heritage
1. Filipino
2. German
Two things that scare you
1. sharks
2. long term relationships
Two fears you overcame
1. Test taking
2. Long distance driving (alone)
Two of Your Everyday Essentials
1. Exercise
2. vitamins
Two things you are Wearing Right Now
2. Birkenstock sandals (I've seen the boots that Ang wore, at least one style of them)
Two things you wore too much this year
1. t-shirts
2. jeans
This year's Favorite Bands or Musical Artists
1. John Legend
2. Billy Currington
Two Things You Want in a Relationship
1. Passion
2. Loyalty
Two of your favorite Movies of the Year
1. Wedding Crashers
2. Harry Potter
Best movies of all time
1. Harry Potter
2. Hoosiers
Two things You hate
1. hatred
2. ignorance
Two Physical Things that Appeal to You
1. a person's smile (gleaming white teeth)
2. eyes
Two of Your Favorite Hobbies
1. reading
2. I need to find another hobby
Two things you learned this year
1. how to successfully read an ECG
2. friendships created during stress last forever
Two Accomplishments You are Proud of
1. Surviving in medical school
2. getting two undergrad degrees
Two Things You Want Really Badly
1. To pass the USMLE (United States Medical Licensing Exam)
2. To become a better person
Two place you went this year
2. Illinois
Two Places You Want to go on Vacation
1. Greece
2. Italy
Two Things You Want to Do Before You Die
1. To have a family
2. To travel extensively
Two Ways that you are a Stereotypical Example of your Gender
1. Laughing when someone speaks of genitalia
2. Scratching my crotch and forgetting that I'm in public when I do it.
Two things that make you stand out.
1. My loud voice
2. People have me that I'm extremely friendly.
Two Things You Normally Wouldn't Admit
1. I q-tips to clean my ears on a daily basis.
2. I am sometimes afraid of the dark.
Two Goals for the New Year
1. To complete all the steps of the USMLE
2. To get involved in a charity.
and I've got to add this since Eric tagged anyone reading his latest post....
1. Being tagged.
2. People counting out their change in the grocery line.
3. Racism
4. People in convertibles who blare their music
5. The media's coverage of any Hollywood break-up
I got this from Ang. Suprisingly we had quite a bit in common (besides the first three letters of our names).
2005, Year in Review
Two Parts of Your Heritage
1. Filipino
2. German
Two things that scare you
1. sharks
2. long term relationships
Two fears you overcame
1. Test taking
2. Long distance driving (alone)
Two of Your Everyday Essentials
1. Exercise
2. vitamins
Two things you are Wearing Right Now
2. Birkenstock sandals (I've seen the boots that Ang wore, at least one style of them)
Two things you wore too much this year
1. t-shirts
2. jeans
This year's Favorite Bands or Musical Artists
1. John Legend
2. Billy Currington
Two Things You Want in a Relationship
1. Passion
2. Loyalty
Two of your favorite Movies of the Year
1. Wedding Crashers
2. Harry Potter
Best movies of all time
1. Harry Potter
2. Hoosiers
Two things You hate
1. hatred
2. ignorance
Two Physical Things that Appeal to You
1. a person's smile (gleaming white teeth)
2. eyes
Two of Your Favorite Hobbies
1. reading
2. I need to find another hobby
Two things you learned this year
1. how to successfully read an ECG
2. friendships created during stress last forever
Two Accomplishments You are Proud of
1. Surviving in medical school
2. getting two undergrad degrees
Two Things You Want Really Badly
1. To pass the USMLE (United States Medical Licensing Exam)
2. To become a better person
Two place you went this year
2. Illinois
Two Places You Want to go on Vacation
1. Greece
2. Italy
Two Things You Want to Do Before You Die
1. To have a family
2. To travel extensively
Two Ways that you are a Stereotypical Example of your Gender
1. Laughing when someone speaks of genitalia
2. Scratching my crotch and forgetting that I'm in public when I do it.
Two things that make you stand out.
1. My loud voice
2. People have me that I'm extremely friendly.
Two Things You Normally Wouldn't Admit
1. I q-tips to clean my ears on a daily basis.
2. I am sometimes afraid of the dark.
Two Goals for the New Year
1. To complete all the steps of the USMLE
2. To get involved in a charity.
and I've got to add this since Eric tagged anyone reading his latest post....
1. Being tagged.
2. People counting out their change in the grocery line.
3. Racism
4. People in convertibles who blare their music
5. The media's coverage of any Hollywood break-up
Blogging can be a hobby :-)
How come I never get tagged?! Oh, right. I only have a few blog friends! :-)
missy, at 11:03 AM
Yeah blogging is a hobby! You should include that. A trip to the Meditteranean is a must:-) Greek hospitalilty is great!
Anonymous, at 12:01 PM
You went to Florida an Illonois in the last 11 days?! That's gotta be some job you've got.
Gyrobo, at 1:16 PM
**Sharks scare me too.
**I still have the same 2 fears you have overcome.
**I love both of the same movies of this year.
**hmmmm....things you hate (a little ironic don't you think;)
**Medical school ~ that is a lot to be proud of.
**I have always wanted to go to Italy.
**I think you seem very friendly.
**I do the same 2 things you wouldn't admit.
Lee Ann, at 1:59 PM
i q-tip too. too much though. sometimes nmore than once a day.
cher, at 2:15 PM
Horrifying! ; )
Chick, at 2:18 PM
These are some great questions!
I'm afraid of the dark sometimes, too.
My biggest fear is not being able to see if I'm walking into a dangling spider, rolling over and a spider being on my pillow, a spider on the toilet seat....
Sweet Tea, at 3:04 PM
5. The media's coverage of any Hollywood break-up
This one always drives me crazy. The sad thing is that shows like ET and Inside edition have dumbed-down the normal news so that they feel (local and national) that we really want to see this stuff...and the sad part of it is that many people do.
Jacob Spradlin, at 4:08 PM
As always a little more insight into the 'real' angel :-)
Anonymous, at 5:12 PM
Continue scratching. You are making the male race very proud.
Mr. Shife, at 6:39 PM
Missy: I tagged you.
and "Scratching my crotch and forgetting that I'm in public when I do it." = that's nasty angel.
Anhoni Patel, at 7:03 PM
It's so fun reading these tags even though they can be annoying to write out. We all enjoy reading more about our blog friends. As far as the fear of long term commitment; don't be; dive in; your soul mate could be out there waiting for you.
Cathy, at 7:36 PM
i q-tip too angel- its a have to after my shower in the mornings. and i think people that don't are my
Foxy, at 11:07 PM
"Two things that scare you
1. sharks
2. long term relationships"
these two things apply to me perfectly.
j, at 11:48 PM
i too, admit i am a pubic - i mean public scratcher.
j merlino, at 12:13 AM
Um...public scratching/farting/burping is a norm in India. Hehehehe!!!! It's kind of funny/bizzare. You'd fit right in. No one would look at you in a weird way.
Anonymous, at 12:31 AM
You know what's the worst of all? Being tagged in the grocery line by a racist who is counting his change, talking about the latest Hollywood break-up, and heading out to his music-blaring convertible!
I just hate that.
-- david
David Amulet, at 7:48 AM
You have the Q-tip issue too! Just like me.
mkecurler, at 10:38 AM
I too would like to travel, Go to Greece and Italy, and I too q-tip my ears every day. Good luck on your Medical Career.
Drywall Mom, at 10:56 AM
You need to tag some people. Enough people read you that you can change the world!
Luke, at 12:30 PM
I've been wanting so see Wedding crashers.
My best friend went to Italy for 2 weeks last year and she loved it. Said it was really beautiful.
Lindsey, at 2:31 PM
This may sound stupid, but what is the difference between an ECG and an EKG? I vaguely remember the terms "electrocardiogram" and "electroencephologram" (EEG) from my days in the Health field, but keeping them straight always drove me crazy.
I am a change-counter and one who used to drive with my music blaring with the top down. When I'd pull up to a stoplight I always got self-conscious about what people thought and turned it down, though. Apparently it really does bother some people! lol
Aud*2020, at 2:38 PM
Man I HATE filipinos!
Jay Noel, at 3:57 PM
Greg - Cowboy in the Jungle, at 9:04 PM
Good stuff! So you know my perfect pair of black boots? I love them!
Greece is great, I worked there for a couple months when I backpacked Europe-although it was just the islands so it was more German holiday makers paradise, but paradis none the less!!
I think we need to start an ear cleaners addiction support group..."hi, my name is Angela and I have an ear cleaning addiction"
Ang, at 10:28 PM
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