How Real is Reality?
Last night, at the prompting of my buddy Bob and friend Amee, I watched "Beauty and the Geek". Bob said he couldn't believe I missed the first season and said it was a pretty funny show. Amee told me that her brother was going to be one of the Geeks.
I tuned in and was a little amazed at some of the Geeks and some of the beauties. Some of the people seemed rather stereo-typical of their label. I'm not saying that there is a stereo-type. I certainly consider myself a geek in many ways. I sympathized with many of these guys, because I did have certain similar social anxieties while growing up.
But I'm wondering how much of it is "real" and how much of it is edited to seem more sensational than it really is. For instance, one of the beauties, couldn't even recognize John Kerry's picture. One of the Geeks couldn't name Kevin Federline as the father of Brittany Spear's baby. Although his comeback was "Brandon" (which was his own name). When the host said "That is incorrect", without skipping a beat he replied "You don't know" (implying that he could have fathered Brittainy's child.
I am going to watch the show till the end, just to see what happens to my friend's brother.
I tuned in and was a little amazed at some of the Geeks and some of the beauties. Some of the people seemed rather stereo-typical of their label. I'm not saying that there is a stereo-type. I certainly consider myself a geek in many ways. I sympathized with many of these guys, because I did have certain similar social anxieties while growing up.
But I'm wondering how much of it is "real" and how much of it is edited to seem more sensational than it really is. For instance, one of the beauties, couldn't even recognize John Kerry's picture. One of the Geeks couldn't name Kevin Federline as the father of Brittany Spear's baby. Although his comeback was "Brandon" (which was his own name). When the host said "That is incorrect", without skipping a beat he replied "You don't know" (implying that he could have fathered Brittainy's child.
I am going to watch the show till the end, just to see what happens to my friend's brother.
Reality tv blows--literally. They've left a bad aftertaste. Hope this guy survives it!!!
Anonymous, at 11:50 AM
All of the reality shows are not completely real. The directors and such try to get them to act in certain ways, or exaggerate.
People don't need much in order to be entertained, though.
Jay Noel, at 12:00 PM
i think at first it was all reality, but now its become a competition thing and they want it to become more outragous than the other...kinda like jerry springer. i haven't watched this one and prolly won't, so keep us updated on those geeks! lol
Foxy, at 1:17 PM
I do think that the media trys to tell the public how they should be and steriotypes them way too much. If you ask me, I am the way I am and I don't need someone to tell me what's cool and what's not. I decide that for myself. I just think that this country cares too much about money, riches and looks that they forget that not everyone thinks the same as they do.
Drywall Mom, at 2:20 PM
What's reality and what's it got to do with me?
Walter, at 2:35 PM
i watched one part of an episode and the 'beauty' was asked "how many inches are in 3 feet?" after like 30 seconds of thinking, she replied, "umm like 64?" i was dumbstruck and turned off the television. which guy is your friend's brother? if you don't mind me asking.
j, at 5:12 PM
There is real and then there is reality tv. Best of luck to your friends geek brother.
:P fuzzbox, at 8:18 PM
My degree is in mass communications (broadcast) with a specilization in Marketing and Video Production.
It is ALL synthesized poop that is edited out of sequence to hype the comments.
Greg - Cowboy in the Jungle, at 10:12 PM
Well Angel I think you got your answers. I think they just need to change the name of the genre because it is no longer reality.
Mr. Shife, at 11:03 PM
There's this really hot latina girl who works at the best buy down the street who has one of the "Geek Squad" shirts on whenever she comes into my store to eat.
why weren't there any hot geek girls like that when I was growing up ?
j merlino, at 12:36 PM
Never seen it.
Geeks rule the world :)
Cathy, at 9:46 PM
Suddenly it is so cool to be a geek :-) It's good to know that even if one doesn't look like Brad Pitt one still belongs and is appreciated for it!
Wriju, at 1:24 PM
are you watching the Flavor of Love? Now that is fake chick trying to hook up with Flava Flav...
LBseahag, at 1:30 PM
I don't know..that one just seems too unrealistic for me. I watched a "behind the scenes" for the batchelor and they were showing how even though it was a "reality" show...they would tell them where to snuggle and when to kiss and whatever.
Lindsey, at 7:59 PM
I loved it when that chick said "It's like I have ESPN or something"!!!! I used that all weekend!
mkecurler, at 12:17 AM
So which guy is your friend's brother?
There's gotta be a certain degree of unreality in every one of those reality shows. They seem entirely too dramatic!
Aud*2020, at 12:00 PM
I think I too have the power of ESPN.
Jay Noel, at 4:58 PM
Hmm, Geeks are in are they ? :-D - Never watched the show, not a TV person, but if the beauty can't recognize John Kerry I am not too sure, sure seems fake !
Anonymous, at 5:02 PM
Has reality TV ever actually been reality? How often are you stuck on an island with 17 castaways? How often do you compete to be an apprentice? I think true reality TV would be horribly boring. :)
Luke, at 10:30 AM
i think it's all riggeed... for good tv... but i still get sucked in.
markus, at 10:51 AM
You want reality, look out your window. T.V. is for dulling my senses after a long day's blogging.
Gyrobo, at 3:45 PM
never watched it myself, but I hear dthat it's actually a good show. I would be a geek, for sure.
Anhoni Patel, at 7:07 PM
hmm... it seems I need to watch more tv..
missy, at 1:46 PM
NM, no, you don't. Much of it is a drag on our minds! Wait, what's on now??
Luke, at 10:35 PM
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