Play That Funky Music
After reading other posts (the Duck) concerning music, I decided to confess about some of my music oddities. For one, I have a bizzare range in taste. For instance, one of my favorite all time CDs ever is Billy Currington's "Doin' Somethin' Right"--which just came out this year. Prior to that CD, I loved John Legend's "Get Lifted". So both of those two spectrums are on my iPod. Not only do I have some of CMT's favorites, but I also have 50 cent and Nelly on my selection list.
The Duck talked about putting his iPod setting on random play. I did that once on mine and it induced a schizophrenic hallucination. I put the setting on shuffle--first it played Kenny Chesney's "There Goes My Life" and then Eminem's "Ass Like That" played next. Following Eminem's rap, Destiny's Child belted "Emotions" and then Michael Buble crooned" Home". My taste in music matches the bi-polar personality bestowed on me by my Gemini sign. I have such a diverse taste in music that a trip to F.Y.E. can last hours.
This doesn't only go for music but for my taste in food---I love eating healthy. I have to have vegetables with every meal. But yet I also love funyuns and skittles (I eat skittles almost every day). I'm trying to cut down on the Funyuns and so far I've been funyun free for almost a week. It's part of my losing weight and getting healthy for 2006. But if you were to see me eat dinner, you would think I was a health freak. I like the salad rather than fries, cook my steak well, and serve it with steamed broccoli or asparagus. Watch a DVD with me and I'm the epitome of junk food junkie--I actually dip my Funyuns in Lay's Cheddar cheese dip.
There are more extremes which I can't think of at the moment. But I know that I live up to my astrological sign--the Gemini twins. It might explain why many of my friends have yet to figure me out.
The Duck talked about putting his iPod setting on random play. I did that once on mine and it induced a schizophrenic hallucination. I put the setting on shuffle--first it played Kenny Chesney's "There Goes My Life" and then Eminem's "Ass Like That" played next. Following Eminem's rap, Destiny's Child belted "Emotions" and then Michael Buble crooned" Home". My taste in music matches the bi-polar personality bestowed on me by my Gemini sign. I have such a diverse taste in music that a trip to F.Y.E. can last hours.
This doesn't only go for music but for my taste in food---I love eating healthy. I have to have vegetables with every meal. But yet I also love funyuns and skittles (I eat skittles almost every day). I'm trying to cut down on the Funyuns and so far I've been funyun free for almost a week. It's part of my losing weight and getting healthy for 2006. But if you were to see me eat dinner, you would think I was a health freak. I like the salad rather than fries, cook my steak well, and serve it with steamed broccoli or asparagus. Watch a DVD with me and I'm the epitome of junk food junkie--I actually dip my Funyuns in Lay's Cheddar cheese dip.
There are more extremes which I can't think of at the moment. But I know that I live up to my astrological sign--the Gemini twins. It might explain why many of my friends have yet to figure me out.
I am the same way, I can be doing well all day and then someone will bring out something really good and unhealthy as hell and I can't help myself.
Drywall Mom, at 11:10 AM
Funyuns and cheese dip - that sounds hideous. One of my buddies from high school used to eat Cheetos with marshmallow spread. I think you guys could have a junk food battle.
As to music, there is nothing wrong with eclecticism. Keep on rockin'.
Anonymous, at 11:30 AM
Variety is the spice of the life.
Mr. Shife, at 12:46 PM
i have a really eclectic and random taste in music as well. i like music from every genre as long as the song's good. it doesn't matter who sings it or whether or not it's hip or not.
i love funyun's. but they give you onion breath.
j, at 1:37 PM
I don't know funyun's....! Am I missing a lot??
missy, at 1:54 PM
Have you frequented Ticharu's music site?
Gyrobo, at 3:22 PM
You sound confused.
I hope this doesn't extend to your wardrobe, like you wear heavy warm sweaters with gym shorts.
Jay Noel, at 5:23 PM
Music is too great of a thing to have to narrow it down to one category. Now on eating healthy, I need to learn how to do that..:)
Foxy, at 9:54 PM
Haha! Nice. I love the fact that I learn something new about you every day! And I thought you were perfect!
Luke, at 10:32 PM
Heck I figured you out. Aries-Gemini connection!!! There's something to that--don't go for the crap they put in the papers though. Mercury retrograde teaches a lot huh?!
Congrats on being funyan free. I have a thing for french fries and mayo.
Your music taste is awesome. Mine is a schizoid not to worry!
Anonymous, at 11:59 PM
I love vegetables too. I don't eat a lot of junk food, but once in a while, you just have to.
I have a wide range of music too. I listen to classical when I am in the car on my way to and from work (sometimes at night in the car with boyfriend), Rock and Roll, jazz and alternative. You won't hear me listening to country, bluegrass or hiphop (well maybe a few hiphop that are a catchy tune, but not for the most part).
Lee Ann, at 12:19 AM
My junk food of choice is Reeses Peanut Butter Cups. I have one everyday.
Lindsey, at 7:01 AM
I am like that too..........I love all types of music. I listen to a little bit of everything, and finding new stuff that I like all the time. I am like that with food to....I love healthy foods, but I am not big on eating healthy. I just like food!! Are any of those characteristics similar for cancers too?? ;)
Anonymous, at 9:05 AM
Being eclectic is the spice of life. I am a firm believer in having a diverse music collection. Friday night I went to see Seether and Shinedown and yesterday, I was all about the Hoff.
:P fuzzbox, at 11:15 AM
I am just the same as you perhaps a little more controlled. I eat healthy and then have a chocolate urge and I binge on a whole, perhaps two chocolates and I feel like a complete idiot !
Anonymous, at 1:54 PM
WE all have our oddities. I like most any music except rap, country and heavy metal.
Lucy Stern, at 1:22 AM
What are funyun's ?? Have you tried Twisties (cheesy, twisted, salty, crispy snacks) in a buttered bread-roll ?? That's yum !!
Meow (aka Connie), at 2:38 AM
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