Coming Soon...Well Maybe..On Video
My buddy Bob came to visit West Virginia. He was passing through on his way to an interview at University of Kentucky for a residency in internal medicine. While he was here, he played with his Christmas present, a video camera. He filmed the city of Charleston and the surrounding area.
He then placed the camera down on the table during lunch and started asking me questions. I of course, acted it up thinking this was something he was going to keep for private. I just imagined him playing it during some reunion or at least his best man speech (I'm not engaged or getting married anytime soon). During the "interview" he asked if I ever thought of VLOGging. I asked him what that was and he said people have turned their blogs into live broadcasts. He then said that I should do the same. I told him I couldn't and he replied "You just did" and informed me that he might just put this clip onto a VLOG.
I gave him full permission of course. It might be fun to broadcast like that, to have some of my conversations on-line for people to listen to. However, they might be annoyed cause I can talk for hours.
There is a part of the conversation I would change. Bob asked me if I regretted anything from my past. I told him that I didn't, because my past helped me to create what I am today. But I came across a post from another blog--the author said he didn't believe it when people said they don't regret their past. Slopmaster let's us know exactly what we should regret from our past.
He then placed the camera down on the table during lunch and started asking me questions. I of course, acted it up thinking this was something he was going to keep for private. I just imagined him playing it during some reunion or at least his best man speech (I'm not engaged or getting married anytime soon). During the "interview" he asked if I ever thought of VLOGging. I asked him what that was and he said people have turned their blogs into live broadcasts. He then said that I should do the same. I told him I couldn't and he replied "You just did" and informed me that he might just put this clip onto a VLOG.
I gave him full permission of course. It might be fun to broadcast like that, to have some of my conversations on-line for people to listen to. However, they might be annoyed cause I can talk for hours.
There is a part of the conversation I would change. Bob asked me if I regretted anything from my past. I told him that I didn't, because my past helped me to create what I am today. But I came across a post from another blog--the author said he didn't believe it when people said they don't regret their past. Slopmaster let's us know exactly what we should regret from our past.
Don't know about a VLOG. That would mean totally losing your anominity !! The good thing about a BLOG is the fact that you can say what you like, but the majority of people who read it don't really know who you are, so if it is something embarrassing, say, no-one that you know will know (does that make sense !!)
Meow (aka Connie), at 12:32 AM
Wow ! a VLOG is a nice idea but a meow said you lose anon - I would not like to have a VLOG, but I can see so many people who would like to have one
Anonymous, at 1:20 AM
My friend MissB has a Vlog and it is the funniest thing ever. I love it; I wouldn't necessarily do it myself, though. I wish more people would lose the anonymity; it makes friendships more real and attainable here; otherwise, well, who knows....
And I believe in no regrets...
Cathy, at 7:25 AM
vlogs sound scary.
j merlino, at 8:13 AM
I agree with would lose a bit of the " at least noone knows me" thing..
and I think all life excpereinces make us who we are today, but it is still ok to maybe regret somethings..not nesscarly wish you had not done them, but regret you smarter than that to do somthign so stupid..
this doesnt even make any never mind..haha
although i would love to see this vlog of yours..hahah
eyes_only4him, at 9:26 AM
I would rather not see how ugly some people actually are. I'd rather just keep the nice idealized version in my imagination when I read their blogs.
Jay Noel, at 11:56 AM
Nah, this is fine. Have learned the hard away about posting pictures and all...Best to keep some things a mystery.
Anonymous, at 12:41 PM
Yes, I am who I am today. But I do believe that I would have gotten here quicker if I would have known then what I know now.
And if I could go back and change a few things, I would.
Sweet Tea, at 3:13 PM
We learn from our past otherwise we are doomed to repeat it.
Mr. Shife, at 3:55 PM
This is one of my favourite vlogs:
missy, at 3:58 PM
Did I do something wrong to get taken off of your blogroll???
Jay Noel, at 5:23 PM
Wow, that sounds really cool! Let us know when it is up, I want to see it!
Lee Ann, at 7:07 PM
I think regret is a wasted emotion--we wouldn't be who we are today, having learned what we learned, if we would go back and change things.
That said, I'm not sure I want each of those moments on a vlog somewhere.
-- david
David Amulet, at 8:39 PM
VLOGs are overrated. That streaming stuff is just totally unfair to those poor, poor dial-up users.
But since I got my broadband, I don't care so much about them anymore.
Gyrobo, at 10:23 PM
Everyone has regrets but since they make us what we are it is better to embrace them and just move ahead.
:P fuzzbox, at 10:40 PM
I think its awesome...people get all freaked over being annonymous on blog...its like they are only revealing a small part of whom they are...i am at face value, i have collegues and family who read my blog, and i they know i am nuts in person, they would accept nothing less on blog!
Get ready for your closeup!!!!
LBseahag, at 12:18 AM
oooohh a blog is bad enough, but a VLOG??!? No thanks. Way too scary.
ziggystardust73, at 7:32 AM
A VLOG...hmmm...I can see it now; the next big trend for pre-teen hornballs looking to hook-up.
I'm not sure what I was supposed to get from slopmaster's post, though I think I'd regret going into his line of biz real quick.
Aud*2020, at 8:34 AM
Vlogging - fascinating new option.
Regarding the regrets...I can't say that I regret anything, and like you believe it makes the core of who I am.
epicurist, at 3:06 PM
So...are we going to get to see it???
Chick, at 3:07 PM
Actually I do regret 1 thing. Bleaching and dying my hair 12 years ago. My hair turned that nasty rusty orange, that happens to so many Asian people. It was wretched and I looked like a fool.
epicurist, at 4:04 PM
vlogging sunds like too much work..and one of the reasons i like blogging is because i enjoy writing,...vlogging would take that away..but i'd like to see yours!
Foxy, at 6:26 PM
a vlog sounds like a neat idea. just make sure you don't get carried away, angel. i know how you get in front of the camera, uh huh. work it. but don't overwork it, haha. i'm just kidding. ;)
j, at 1:15 AM
A vlog sounds disgusting, like some kind of female disease or discharge
Big Ben, at 2:58 AM
i'm with cathy. no anonimity (unless absolutely necessary) but most of all No Regrets.
I'll try to find out about this vlog thing. xx
x, at 2:33 PM
You have to keep us informed.
I defintely want to see the VLOG.
As for you saying you don't regret. I say the same thing . . and truly TRULY mean it. Regret changes nothing. And changing those things we regret, would change who we are. I'm more than happy with who I am. . . changing anything would make me less.
meghansdiscontent, at 8:42 AM
VLOGing sounds interesting, but I am not "computer savey" enough to make it work.
I wrote a blog about the "Pain of decipline or the pain or regret a few post back. Check it out, here is the web address:
I think we can have regrets and they are learning experiences for us. I regret it when I say something unkind to someone. I regret it when I didn't stay on my diet, and now the weight is harder to take off. Regrets don't have to be negative, they are learning experiences and they do mold who we are.
Lucy Stern, at 9:39 AM
First I must mention that Charleston is such a beautiful city!
As for VLOG' thank you. I prefer my pseudo-anonymity.
While I believe that we must learn from everything we do...I still can't help but to have a few regrets. It's all human nature I suppose.
Lindsey, at 10:33 AM
Thanks, Angel, for your help on my site. I'll get your link--and the greatest hits list--up in a few days. I wanted to get a new post out of my system first.
-- david
David Amulet, at 7:47 AM
I look forward to the VLOG.
Luke, at 9:37 AM
I would have changed my senior superlative! What a terrible description!
Anonymous, at 2:19 AM
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