Birth Control Pills for Guys?
My first argument is--it's to be taken several hours before intercourse (hehe, I said intercourse). Now, I don't know about any of the oily bo-hunks out there,but most guys don't know exactly when they will be getting some. I can only speak for myself--but I'm basically ready to go if given the chance (which hasn't happend in oh-so-long). Plus the unpredictive nature of the female--she may or may not have a headache. So even for married guys, knowing that you will be getting some either that day, or even that hour is not predictable. Correct me if I'm wrong.
That first was the biggest argument. The rest are just little arguments. In today's day and age--don't most guys want to protect themselves from disease and disaster, so therefore carry little trojans with them anyway? It's a pain in the butt to stop midway and dress your fighter up, but it's better than it getting some incurable rash--we already itch enough down there. Plus in sex education, our instructor said that one way our girlfriends can make it fun is for the chick to use her mouth to put the condom on. I like that option.
I'm hoping that maybe The Phoenix
might delve into this new phenomenon and explain the pharmacology of this new pill in simpler terms. I'm not getting how you can render someone infertile for a few hours, especially concerning the little swimmers. What are they just drugged up enough to slow down their swimming ability? Maybe I should have researched a little before I started this rant, so I don't look like I'm lost (which I never admit by the way. I don't like asking for directions--and I'm not lost, I do know where I am, I just don't know where the place I'm looking for is located).
Anyway, what do you guys think of this new birth control concept. Incidently, I heard it will be available in a few years.