Put A Bag Over Your Head
Last night however, took the cake! One of the characters, Christian Troy (whose butt has been shown on many occasion-- and even in a threesome that was suggested by and even prompted by his fiance. She made him sign a prenump that said he couldn't cheat on her, but could have threesomes that included her. Her reason, so their marriage doesn't get boring) had sex with an ugly chick. His previous conquers have been godesses that Victoria Secret models can only aspire to become in their wet dreams. But on yesterday's episode, in grieving rage (he was left at the alter), he had sex with an ordinary plain Jane (horrid looking--not sure where they found this actress). The stipulation? He told her that if she wanted to have sex with him, he had to put a bag over her head! How many times, have we joked about placing a bag over some chick's head so that we could have sex with just her body? Dr. Troy accomplished this--the girl willing placed a brown-paper bag over her head and then assumed a doggy style position. The scene ended with a tearful woman grabbing her underwear and slinking out the door. Dr. Troy of course rolled over and went to sleep (he doesn't smoke cause he has glow in black light white teeth).
I thought this was it, Dr. Troy was going to end up in court. This would be the ensuing drama for the next couple shows. He would somehow get out of it. The highly rated series on F/X had to continue, after all yesterday's show was completely sponsored by Heineken. Nope, no charges were pressed. The woman came into Dr. Troy's office. She told him that she searched for answers on the internet for the experience she went through. She then said she had found it. The answers pointed out the fact that she was a masochist, the tears she shed werent' tears of humiliation--they were tears of joy for an orgasm she never had.
The final scene? She told Dr. Troy that if he ever needed her to call. She left her number inscribed on a brown paper grocery bag. Fade to black. Stay tuned for scenes from next week's all new "Nip/Tuck".